TheraTogs Ultra Full Body System
TheraTogs Full Body System is the most comprehensive of our products for children and adults with complex neuromotor disorders. It is designed to provide carryover and deliver massed practice of the rehabilitation activities aimed at obtaining gains in postural alignment, core stability, hip stability, and functioning lower limb alignment that are made during therapy sessions.
The Full Body System provides carryover to activities which address numerous indications, including but not limited to:
- Young, ambulatory children with functional alignment and mobility issues incident to cerebral palsy and other CNS dysfunctions
- Adults with stroke, traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, and other adult-onset CNS dysfunctions
The Full Body System wraps the torso and extremities in a ‘strapping field’ that improves postural alignment and stability. This system addresses the greatest variety of functional alignment and movement issues, as well as related issues in the extremities proximal to the wrists and ankles.
Core components of the system are a TankTop and a Hipster which when used together provide a solid base of trunk stability and postural alignment. The included limb cuffs and strapping can then be added to achieve shoulder stability or subluxation and hip stability, internal/external leg rotation, and/or knee extension.
The Full Body System provides hours of carryover to address:
- Flexible kyphosis
- Flexible lordosis
- Excessive pelvic tilt
- Difficulty maintaining midline trunk and sitting balance
- Scissoring in stance or gait
- Balance problems due to hip muscle weakness
- Intoed or out-toed gait
- Proximal limb joint control issues
- “Windblown” gait
- Recovery following orthopedic surgery at the spine, hip, or femur
- Staggering gait due to cerebellar ataxia, adult onset or injury
- Balance loss due to Multiple Sclerosis
Theratogs are Latex Free.