TheraTogs Ultra Lower Extremity System
The TheraTogs Lower Extremity System is specifically crafted to support rehabilitation activities that target alignment and functional irregularities in the knee joints, developing femurs, and hip joints. It is intended for use by independently walking children and ambulatory adults who do not have issues related to hip or trunk stability.
Key Benefits
- Hours of carryover of gentle, persistent corrective forces to address lower extremity alignment and functional issues – without the need for cables or other hardware, worn underneath clothing.
- All garment surfaces are hook-receptive, allowing the clinician to customize the placement of strapping wherever it’s needed – and than adapt those strapping placements over time in response to progress and/or client growth.
- Simplified, streamlined system contains only the components needed to address lower extremity issues.
The Lower Extremity System is an effective means of carryover for rehabilitation activities aimed at the management of neuromotor, balance and gait disorders caused by a wide range of diagnoses, including:
- Cerebral palsy
- Hypotonia
- Ligament laxity
- Hemiplegia due to stroke or TBI
- Intoed gait in a child <7 years caused by excessive femoral torsion or excessive leg or foot rotation
- Excess anterior pelvic tilt caused by excessive femoral torsion or excessive leg or foot rotation
- Out-toed gait in a child <7 years caused by:
- Diminished femoral torsion
- Excessive lateral tibiofibular torsion
- Hip outward rotation bias
- Knee joint ligament laxity
- Knee hyperextension in a child age <7 years, or newly acquired knee hyperextension, caused by cerebral palsy, hypotonia, or ligament laxity
- Inadequate swing-phase knee extension in gait resulting in shortened step, caused by cerebral palsy, hemiplegia due to stroke, or traumatic brain injury
- Genu varum or genu valgum, caused by knee joint ligament laxity
- Persistent flexible foot pronation in hips/knees, caused by hypotonia or ligament laxity
- Excessive flexible foot supination, caused by ligament laxity
The placement of TheraTogs strapping applications can change the wearer’s bone and joint position. For clients of ages 7 years and above with bone and joint alignment problems, the attending clinician is expected to undertake a careful musculoskeletal assessment prior to designing or applying a strapping system.
Example: Hip rotation. Imposing a sustained and significant change in hip rotation to align the knee axis on the frontal plane in gait on a client > age 7 years might disrupt the integrity of the hip joint. Ascertain femoral torsion status first to determine whether the need for rotation change is osseous or muscular. Consult an orthopedist for assurance of safety in regards to hip rotation strapping, if possible.